Design Research Dissertation - Final Complication and Reflection
27.9.2024 - 27.12.2024 / week 9 - week 14
Velicia Raquel Dewi Setiawan | 0369188 | Bachelor of Design (Honours) in Creative Media
Advanced Interactive Design
3. Dissertation
1. Research Implementation - Draft Dissertation
2. Visual Design Publication Final Dissertation and TURNITIN submission
3. Final Assessment - Research for Article Publicatio
4. Feedback
5. Reflection
1. Experience
Throughout this process, I had the opportunity to refine my research skills, particularly in absorbing information from various articles and applying different research methodologies. I learned the importance of balancing content and design in academic publications. Also, I really need to improve my time management, as I was always behind on the weekly tasks. I need to avoid procrastinating in the first few weeks, as it will snowball into everything else down the line.
2. Observation
I noticed that feedback played a major role in improving my work, especially in layout and content revision. While creativity is important, clarity and simplicity are key in academic design. Early feedback helped me avoid major revisions later.
3. Findings
A clear structure from the start was vital in keeping the project focused. Different research methods provided valuable insights, and the layout should prioritize readability over complexity. The iterative process of reviewing and revising based on feedback was essential in achieving an academic standard.
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